Educational Institutions

Outward Bound Vietnam partners with schools to customise and design great outdoor learning trips. A progressive educational framework maps to your school curriculum and helps develop learning outcomes for different age levels. 

Each year level has a different program design, and there is a structured daily schedule for students. Supervision ratios are capped at 14 students and 2 Outward Bound staff per group, and we anticipate a school teacher will also accompany each group.  

Outward Bound brings more than 80 years of global experience running youth programs to Vietnam. All students experience the possibility of realising that they can do more than what they think they can, thereby igniting their passion, unlocking their potential, and lighting up their future. 

We also make sure that learning outcomes that match the learner profiles in your school curriculum. 

Pre-trip, our team will come to your school to give separate preparation briefings to students, parents and any accompanying teachers. These pre-trip talks include a display of equipment, and a discussion of any concerns parents may have.  

We also welcome school administrators to come to our centre for a pre-trip due-diligence visit. 

Outward Bound Vietnam centres include catering, 24/7 security services and a nurse on-site. 

Overview of School Activities

Outward Bound Vietnam & Republic Polytechnic Singapore Program

Outward Bound Vietnam & Singapore University of Social Sciences Program ​